Falter-Braun, Carvunis, Menche, Schich: Systems Biology meets Cultural Data Analytics

When: Where: CUDAN Open Lab (online)

The event is public via zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99209544202

AbstractSystems Biology meets Cultural Data Analytics

The purpose of the event is to explore commonalities and differences in terms of group work, multidisciplinarity, data, methods, and general goals, including impact on society.


  1. Pascal Falter-Braun (Helmholtz Munich) – “The Institute of Network Biology”
  2. Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis (University of Pittsburgh) – “The Carvunis Lab. Change and Innovation in Biological Systems.”
  3. Jörg Menche (University of Vienna) – “The menchelab. Network Medicine.”
  4. Maximilian Schich (Tallinn University) – “The ERA Chair research group for Cultural Data Analytics.”

Program: Four 10-15 minute introductions followed by discussion, starting from the question: What can Cultural Data Analytics learn from Systems Biology, and vice versa?

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