Publications #
2019-2024 ERA Chair continuous reporting #
Maximilian Schich, Mariliis Niinemägi, Indrek Ibrus, Andres Karjus, Ksenia Mukhina, Mila Oiva, Mikhail Tamm, Vejune Zemaityte, Tasweer Ahmad, Yan Asadchy, Mar Canet Sola, Hanna Jemmer, Mark Mets, and Tillmann Ohm. Horizon 2020 Cultural Data Analytics: CUDAN ERA Chair Fact sheet, Reporting, Results, (2019-2024). open access:
Extensive reporting to the European Commission on objectives, tasks, and deliverables related to the CUDAN ERA Chair project. Highlights include include the CUDAN Research Cooperation Strategy, which functions as a manifesto of multidisciplinary academic mixing for Cultural Data Analytics, and the Final Report, which characterises the project achievements in a comprehensive manner.
2020-2027 video publications #
Video recordings of the CUDAN Open Lab Seminar series (2020-2027) are available to watch in the CUDAN Youtube channel.
Video recordings of the Cultural Data Analytics conference (2023) are available to watch via Youtube, with pointers to specific talks available in the program schedule on the conference website
2024 research publications #
Asadchy, Yan, Andres Karjus, Ksenia Mukhina, and Maximilian Schich. “Perceived gendered self-representation on Tinder using machine learning.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11,1 (2024) 1-11. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. “Visions Of Destruction: Exploring Human Impact on Nature by Navigating the Latent Space of a Diffusion Model via Gaze.” In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (2024) [1-5]. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. “Visions of Destruction: Exploring a Potential of Generative AI in Interactive Art.” In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI ‘24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 36 (2024) 1–8. PDF
Guljajeva, Varvara, and Mar Canet Solà. “We Are The Clouds: Blending Interaction and Participation in Urban Media Art.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.13883 (2024). PDF
Guljajeva, Varvara, Mar Canet Solà, and Isaac Clarke. “Artist-Guided Neural Networks–Automated Creativity or Tools for Extending Minds?.” Digital Society 64 (2024) 59. PDF
Jaramillo-Dent, Daniela, Amanda Alencar, Yan Asadchy, Koen Leurs, and Sandra Ponzanesi. “Migrant agency and platformed belongings: The case of TikTok.” Media, Culture and Communication in Migrant Societies (2024) 239-258. PDF
Jones, Lee, Greta Grip, Boris Kourtoukov, Varvara Guljajeva, Mar Canet Solà, and Sara Nabil. “Knitting Interactive Spaces: Fabricating Data Physicalizations of Local Community Visitors with Circular Knitting Machines.” In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (2024) 1-14. [PDF](../pub/2024_TEI_Jones-et-al_Knitting-Interactive Spaces.pdf)
Karjus, Andres, and Christine Cuskley. “Evolving linguistic divergence on polarizing social media.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11,1 (2024) 1-14. PDF SUPP DATA & CODE
Karjus, Andres, and Vejune Zemaityte. “Socioeconomic factors of national representation in the global film festival circuit: skewed toward the large and wealthy, but small countries can beat the odds.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.10755 (2024). PDF
Korepanova, A., A. Annus, and T. Väljataga. “Meaningful Use of Generative AI in Visual Arts Education.” In INTED2024 Proceedings. IATED (2024) 4433-4441.
Korepanova, A., C. Lightfoot, and Kai Pata. “Leveraging Existing Online Platforms to Support Knowledge Exchange Between Visual Arts Educators.” In International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges, Cham: SpringerNature Switzerland (2024) 155-165.
Mets, Mark, Andres Karjus, Indrek Ibrus, and Maximilian Schich. “Automated stance detection in complex topics and small languages: the challenging case of immigration in polarizing news media.” Plos one 19,4 (2024) e0302380. PDF DATA & CODE
Ohm, Tillmann, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, and Maximilian Schich. “fruit-SALAD: A Style Aligned Artwork Dataset to reveal similarity perception in image embeddings.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.01278 (2024). PDF
Oiva, Mila, Ksenia Mukhina, Vejune Zemaityte, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, Tillmann Ohm, Mark Mets, Daniel Chávez Heras, Mar Canet Sola, Helena Hanna Juht & Maximilian Schich. “A framework for the analysis of historical newsreels.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11,1 (2024) 1-15. PDF
Oiva, Mila, Tillmann Ohm, Ksenia Mukhina, Mar Canet Solà, and Maximilian Schich. “Soviet View of the World. Exploring Long-Term Visual Patterns in “Novosti dnia” Newsreel Journal (1945-1992).” Journal of Cultural Analytics 9,4 (2024). PDF
Rohn, Ulrike, and Hanna Jemmer. “33 User data analytics in media organizations.” De Gruyter handbook of media economics (2024) 477.
Tamm, M. V., M. Oiva, K. D. Mukhina, M. Mets, and M. Schich. “Quantifying world geography as seen through the lens of Soviet propaganda.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15938 (2024). PDF
Zemaityte, Vejune, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Maximilian Schich, and Indrek Ibrus. “Quantifying the global film festival circuit: Networks, diversity, and public value creation.” Plos one 19,3 (2024) e0297404. PDF SUPP DATA CODE
2023 research publications #
Ahmad, Tasweer, and Maximilian Schich. “Toward cross‐domain object detection in artwork images using improved YoloV5 and XGBoosting.” IET Image Processing 17,8 (2023) 2437-2449. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. “Visions of Destruction.” In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Art Gallery (2023) [1-2].
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. AI-Aided Ceramic Sculptures: Bridging Deep Learning with Materiality. In: Johnson, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, N., Rebelo, S.M. (eds): Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. EvoMUSART 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13988. Springer, Cham. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. Psychedelic Forms-Ceramics and Physical Form in Conversation with Deep Learning. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (2023) [1-5]. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, Antonina Korepanova, Ksenia Mukhina, and Maximilian Schich. “Quantifying Collection Lag in European Modern and Contemporary Art Museums.” ACM Vinci'23: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (2023) [1-8]. PDF
Guerrero Montero, Juan, Andres Karjus, Kenny Smith, and Richard A. Blythe. “Reliable detection and quantification of selective forces in language change.” Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 0 (2023). PDF
Guljajeva, Varvara, and Mar Canet Solà. “Interactive NeuroKnitting: Knitting with Your Brain.” ACM Vinci'23: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (2023) [1-2]. PDF
Guljajeva, Varvara, Mar Canet Solà, and Iurii Kuzmin. “Telematic performance enforced by the pandemic: Neuroknitting Beethoven.” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (October 2023). PDF
Ibrus, Indrek, Andres Karjus, Vejune Zemaityte, Ulrike Rohn, and Maximilian Schich. “Quantifying public value creation by public service media using big programming data.” International Journal of Communication 17 (2023) 24. PDF
Jemmer, Hanna, and Indrek Ibrus. “Heterodox approaches to save the day: a framework for analysing data-related innovation in legacy media businesses.” Media, Culture & Society (2023). PDF
Karjus, Andres, Mar Canet Solà, Tillmann Ohm, Sebastian E. Ahnert, and Maximilian Schich. “Compression ensembles quantify aesthetic complexity and the evolution of visual art.” EPJ Data Science 12,1 (2023) 21. PDF SUPP CODE
Karjus, Andres. “Machine-assisted mixed methods: augmenting humanities and social sciences with artificial intelligence.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.14379 (2023). PDF
Kasyanov, I. A., Pim van der Hoorn, D. Krioukov, and M. V. Tamm. “Nearest-neighbor directed random hyperbolic graphs.” Physical Review E 108,5 (2023) 054310. PDF
Korepanova, Antonina, and Kai Pata. “Pattern Elements in Higher Visual Art Education.” International Association for Development of the Information Society (2023). PDF
Korepanova, Antonina, and Kai Pata. “The transformation of art teaching process: A qualitative study of digitally mediated teaching.” In Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. pp. 151-165.
Ohm, Tillmann, Mar Canet Solà, Andres Karjus, and Maximilian Schich. “Collection Space Navigator: An Interactive Visualization Interface for Multidimensional Datasets.” ACM Vinci'23: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (2023) [1-5]. open access: extended preprint with case studies: & open source code, demos, tutorials: PDF SUPP CODE
Ohm, Tillmann. “Algorithmic Exhibition-Making. Curating with Networks and Word Embeddings.” in: Thiel, Sonja, and Johannes C. Bernhardt. AI in Museums: Reflections, Perspectives and Applications. transcript Verlag, 2023. pp. 209-216. PDF
Yilmaz, Mehmet Burak, Elen Lotman, Andres Karjus, and Pia Tikka. “An embodiment of the cinematographer: emotional and perceptual responses to different camera movement techniques.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 17 (2023) 1160843. PDF
Zapata-Carratalã, Carlos, Maximilian Schich, Taliesin Beynon, and Xerxes D. Arsiwalla. “Hypermatrix algebra and irreducible arity in higher-order systems: Concepts and perspectives.” Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) 26,06 (2023) 1-22. PDF
2022 research publications #
Canet Solà, M., & Guljajeva, V. Dream Painter: Exploring creative possibilities of AI-aided speech-to-image synthesis in the interactive art context. In Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 5,4 (2022) 1-11.6. PDF
Canet Solà, M., Guljajeva, V., Cassinelli, A., & Sandor, C. “The Beautiful Encounters.” In 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (2022) 1-3. PDF VIDEO
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. Keep Smiling. XCOAX 2022, 10th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (2022) 340–346. PDF
Canet Solà, Mar, and Varvara Guljajeva. POSTcard Landscapes from Lanzarote. In Creativity and Cognition (2022) 634-636. PDF
Coles, Amanda, Justine Ferrer, Vejune Zemaityte, and Marcus Banks. “A Wider Lens: Australian Camera Workforce Development and Diversity”. Australian Cinematographers Association, 2022. PDF
Guljajeva, Varvara, and Mar Canet Solà. Dream Painter: An Interactive Art Installation Bridging Audience Interaction, Robotics, and Creative AI. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2022) 7235-7236. PDF
Jaramillo-Dent, Daniela, Amanda Alencar, and Yan Asadchy. “# Migrantes on TikTok: Exploring Platformed Belongings.” International Journal of Communication 16 (2022): 25. PDF
Karjus, Andres, and Christine Cuskley. Evolving Linguistic Divergence in Socio-Political Polarities. In The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), edited by A. Ravignani, R. Asano, D. Valente, F. Ferretti, S. Hartmann, M. Hayashi, et al. (2022) 390-392. ISSN 2666-917X. PDF
Keck, Jana, Mila Oiva, and Paul Fyfe. “Lajos Kossuth and the Transnational News: A Computational and Multilingual Approach to Digitized Newspaper Collections.” Media History 0, no. 0 (November 16, 2022): 1–18. PDF
La Mela, Matti, and Mila Oiva. “Digitaalinen historiantutkimus.” In Avaimia menneisyyteen — Opas historiantutkimuksen menetelmiin, edited by Mirkka Danielsbacka, Matti O. Hannikainen, and Tuomas Tepora, 211–28. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2022.
Lobashev, A., Tamm, M.V., Counting Phases and Faces Using Bayesian Thermodynamic Integration, arXiv:2206.07494 (2022) PDF
Oiva, Mila and Anna Ristilä. “Mapping the pseudohistorical knowledge space in the Russian World Wide Web” in Medievalism in Finland and Russia: twentieth- and twenty-first-century aspects, edited by Reima Välimäki, 57-71. England: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Roller, Ramona, Maximilian Schich, Hyejin Youn, and Mikhail Tamm. “Editorial for Topical Issue on Cultural Complexity”, Advances in Complex Systems (2022).
Roller, Ramona, Maximilian Schich, Mikhail Tamm, and Hyejin Youn, eds., “A Topical Issue on Cultural Complexity”, Advances in Complex Systems (2022).
Tamm, M.V., Dudka, M., Pospelov, N., Oshanin, G., Nechaev, S. From steady-state TASEP model with open boundaries to 1D Ising model at negative fugacity, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Experiment 3 (2022) 033201. PDF
2021 research publications #
Aali, Heta, Mila Oiva, and Anna Ristiä. “Suomalainen, ruotsalainen, normanni vai slaavi? Venäjän perustaja Rurikin alkuperä suomalaisissa ja venäläisissä 2000-luvun verkkokeskusteluissa.” Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 4 (2021) 414–26. PDF
Alvarez-Rodriguez, Unai, Ginestra Bianconi, Natasa Przulj, Maximilian Schich, Alice Schwarze, Leo Torres, and Anatol Wegner “Unification of Higher-Order Models”. in: Higher-Order Graph Models: From Theoretical Foundations to Machine Learning” (Dagstuhl Seminar 21352, Schloss Dagstuhl/Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2021), edited by Tina Eliassi-Rad, Vito Latora, Martin Rosvall, and Ingo Scholtes. Dagstuhl Reports 11,7 (2021) 139-178 [159-160]. PDF
Ibrus, Indrek, Maximilian Schich, and Marek Tamm. “Cultural Science Meets Cultural Data Analytics.” Cultural Science Journal 13,1 (2021) 1−15. PDF
Ibrus, Indrek, Maximilian Schich, and Marek Tamm. “Digihumanitaariast kultuuriandmete analüüsini.” Keel ja Kirjandus 64,8-9 (2021) 671-688. PDF
Karjus, Andres, Richard A. Blythe, Simon Kirby, Tianyu Wang, and Kenny Smith. Conceptual Similarity and Communicative Need Shape Colexification: An Experimental Study. Cognitive Science 45,9 (2021) e13035. PDF DATA
Oiva, Mila, Hannu Salmi, and Bruce Johnson. Yves Montand in the USSR: Cultural Diplomacy and Mixed Messages. Palgrave Macmillan 2021.
Tamm, M.V., Koval, D.G., Stadnichuk V.I. “Polygon-based hierarchical planar networks based on generalized Apollonian construction.” Physics 3,4 (2021) 998-1014. PDF
2020 research publications #
Fridlund, Mats, Mila Oiva and Petri Paju (eds.). Digital Histories. Emergent Approaches within the New Digital History. Helsinki University Press 2020. PDF
Oiva, Mila and Urszula Pawlicka-Deger. “Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities.” Special Issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly (2020) 14:3. PDF
Oiva, Mila. “The Chili and Honey of Digital Humanities Research. The Facilitation of Interdisciplinary Transfer of Knowledge in Digital Humanities Centers.“ Digital Humanities Quarterly (2020) 14:3. PDF
Verhoeven, Deb, Paul S. Moore, Amanda Coles, Bronwyn Coate, Vejune Zemaityte, Katarzyna Musial, Elizabeth Prommer, Michelle Mantsio, Sarah Taylor, Ben Eltham, Skadi Loist, Alwyn Davidson. “Disciplinary itineraries and digital methods: Examining the Kinomatics collaboration networks.” NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies 9,2 (2020) 273-298. PDF
Sato, Daisuke, Yuichi Ikeda, Shuichi Kawai, and Maximilian Schich. “The sustainability and the survivability of Kyoto’s traditional craft industry revealed from supplier-customer network.” PLoS ONE 15,11 (2020) ARTN e0240618. PDF SUPP
Lee, Byunghwee, Min Kyung Seo, Daniel Kim, In-seob Shin, Maximilian Schich, Hawoong Jeong, and Seung Kee Han. “Dissecting landscape art history with information theory.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117,43 (2020) 26580-26590. PDF SUPP DATA
2024 presentations (selected) #
Schich, Maximilian. Towards a Collaborative Cultural Analysis of the City of Rome 2 (Organizing chair), Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute for Art History), Rome, Italy (June 11-13, 2024), including an invited presentation by CUDAN Senior fellow Ksenia Mukhina.
Schich, Maximilian. Aesthetic Analysis and Synthesis & Spectral Chromatophores (invited lecture & analog electronic performance) ZiF Workshop: Complexity, Aesthetics, and Data Sonification, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Universität Bielefeld, Germany (March 18-22, 2024).
Schich, Maximilian. Results and Potential of Cultural Data Analytics (invited talk) Venice Long Data, the Future of the Past. PNRR CHANGES Spoke 8 at Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy (January 26, 2024).
Ksenia Mukhina and Maximilian Schich. Learning geo-socio-visual attention patterns regarding the city of Rome (poster) International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (July 18-20, 2024).
Mark Mets, Peter Dodds, and Maximilian Schich. Twitter attention towards Ukraine differs and changes fundamentally across 28 languages from 2008 to 2023 (poster) International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (July 18-20, 2024).
Mikhail Tamm, Mila Oiva, Ksenia Mukhina, Mark Mets, and Maximilian Schich. Quantifying world geography through the lens of Soviet propaganda (poster) International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (July 18-20, 2024).
2023 presentations #
Schich, Maximilian. The Intersection of Network Science and Art History (invited talk). NetSci Colloquium, (November 29, 2023).
Schich, Maximilian. Zur Bedeutung der Netzwerkforschung für die Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (invited talk). “Vernetzte Kultur – studium generale”, Universität Marburg, Germany (November 1, 2023).
Schich, Maximilian. Einsichten aus der Museumsanalyse (full-day invited lecture). Getty Summer Institute “Das Museum in einer digitalen Welt: Strategien – Methoden – Tools” at Belvedere Research Center, Vienna (September 14, 2023).
Yan Asadchy, Takahiro Yabe, Maximilan Schich, Alex Pentland, and Esteban Moro. Unequal culture: Effect of pandemic restrictions on the income segregation and diversity of museum visitors in the Boston Area (poster), International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), University of Copenhagen, Denmark (July 17-20, 2023).
Andres Karjus, Vejune Zemaityte, Ulrike Rohn, Maximilian Schich, Indrek Ibrus. Quantifying structure and diversity in film festival networks (poster), NetSci 2023, Vienna, Austria (July 12-14, 2023).
Tamm, Mikhail. Discrete model emulating properties of hyperbolic random graphs, NetSci2023, Vienna, Austria (July 10-14, 2023).
Tamm, Mikhail, I. Kasyanov, P. van der Hoorn, D. Krioukov (2023), Nearest-neighbour directed random hyperbolic graphs, NetSci2023, Vienna, Austria (July 10-14, 2023).
Zapata Carratala, Carlos, Maximilian Schich, Xerxes Arsiwalla, and Taliesin Beynon. Higher-Arity Algebra for Higher-Order Networks (poster) NetSci 2023, Vienna, Austria (July 12-14, 2023).
Schich, Maximilian. Towards a Collaborative Cultural Analysis of the City of Rome 1 (Organizing chair), Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute for Art History), Rome, Italy (June 26-28, 2023), including presentations by several CUDAN team members.
Zemaityte, Vejune, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Maximilian Schich and Indrek Ibrus. “Quantifying the global film festival circuit: Networks, diversity & value creation. A study using the Cinando, powered by Marché Du Film / Cannes Festival.” At ScreenMe and MEDIT open seminar, Tallinn University, Estonia (March 28, 2023).
Tamm, Mikhail, E. Heinsalu, M. Patriarca, S. Scialla. Model of linguistic competition with thresholds for learning language, XXVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Spain (February 16-22, 2023).
Tamm, Mikhail, P.L. Krapivsky, V. Zemaityte, K. Mukhina, M. Schich. Type-token distributions beyond the Zipf law: a simple model with choice, XXVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Spain (February 16-22, 2023).
Schich, Maximilian. Kunst- und Kulturverstehen von Netzwerken zu Bedeutungsäumen und zurück (invited talk). CAIDAS Workshop, Universität Würzburg (February 8, 2023).
Schich, Maximilian. Bilder mit Bildern verstehen. Ansätze einer systematischen Kunst- und Kulturanalyse. (invited talk) Universität Augsburg (February 3, 2023).
2022 presentations #
Oiva, Mila, Ksenia Mukhina, Vejune Zemaityte, Daniel Chávez Heras, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, Tillmann Ohm, Mark Mets, Mar Canet Solà, Hanna Helena Juht, Hadi Nowandish, Abida Bibi and Maximilian Schich. “Exploring Digital Methods for Studying Newsreels.” International Conference of the DFG Research Network “New Directions in Film Historiography – Digital Tools and Film and Media Studies, Marburg (November 17-19, 2022).
M. Tamm (2022) Steady state of TASEP with open boundary conditions is determined by the zero of the partition function of 1D lattice gas, Statistical mechanics and its applications, Dilijan, Armenia, (October 24-28, 2022).
Ibrus, Indrek, Andres Karjus, Andres Karjus, Vejune Zemaityte, Ulrike Rohn and Maximilian Schich. “Quantifying Public Value Creation in Public Service Media Using Big Programming Data.” At European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus University, Denmark (October 19–22, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Indrek Ibrus, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn and Maximilian Schich. “International Film Festival Participation Network and its Effects on Film Life-Cycles: A Cultural Data Analytics Approach.” At European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus University, Denmark (October 19–22, 2022).
M.V. Tamm, A. Karjus, M.G. Schich (2022) Probing the meaning space of art with multidimensional compression, Conference on Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (October 17-21, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Indrek Ibrus, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Madis Järvekülg and Maximilian Schich. “Adopting a Cultural Data Analytics Approach for Data-Driven Media Research: A Study of Digital B2B Platforms as Facilitators of Public Value Creation in the Audiovisual Industries.” At Media Mutations 13 Conference “Audiovisual Data: Data-Driven Perspectives for Media Studies”, Dipartimento delle Arti, DAMSLab, Bologna, Italy (October 6–7, 2022).
Oiva, Mila, Helena Hanna Juht, Hadi Nowandish & Abida Bibi. “A Framework for Building an Interactive Web Interface for Exploring Newsreels” presentation at the Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century -1970s) conference, Barcelona, Spain (4-7 October, 2022).
Schich, Maximilian. “Summarizing Cultural Dynamics – A Guided Tour” (keynote). 8th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference, Tallinn University, Estonia (October 5, 2022).
Schich, Maximilian. “Art History as a Multidiciplinary Science” (keynote). Digital Art History IV / Methods, Practices, Epistomologies, National and university Library, Zagreb, Croatia (October 3, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Indrek Ibrus and Maximilian Schich. “An Ecology of Film Industry Networks” [poster]. At NetSci 2022: International School and Conference on Network Science, Shanghai, China (July 25–29, 2022).
M. Tamm, I. Kasyanov, (2022) Nearest-neighbour network in hyperbolic space: a simple model of a directed network with asymmetric degree distribution, NetSci2022, online (formally at Shanghai, China, (July 25-29, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Indrek Ibrus and Maximilian Schich. “An Ecology of Film Industry Networks” [poster]. At International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), University of Chicago, USA (July 19–22, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Mila Oiva, Ksenia Mukhina, Andres Karjus and Maximilian Schich. “Tracing Gender Diversity in Labour Networks of Soviet Newsreel Production 1945-92.” At International Communication Association (ICA) Regional Conference: Computational Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe, University of Helsinki, Finland (June 27–29, 2022).
M. Tamm, M. Oiva, K. Mukhina, M. Mets, M. Schich (2022) World map through the lens of Soviet propaganda: geography of Soviet Newsreel “Daily News”, 1945-1992, at Computational Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe, Helsinki, Finland (June 27-29, 2022).
Oiva, Mila, Vejune Zemaityte, Ksenia Mukhina, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, Tasweer Ahmad, Tillmann Ohm, Mar Canet, Mark Mets, Antonina Korepanova, Hanna Helena Juht, Abida Bibi, Daniel Chávez Heras and Maximilian Schich. “Exploring Soviet Newsreels 1944-1992. Using a Cultural Data Analytics Approach”. European Network for Cinema and Media Studies NECS 2022 Conference, Bucharest (June 24, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Andres Karjus, Ulrike Rohn, Indrek Ibrus and Maximilian Schich. “A Cultural Data Analysis of the International Film Festival Participation Network.” At European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) Conference “Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network”, National University of Theatre and Film, Bucharest, Romania (June 22–26, 2022).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Leona Achtenhagen and Ulrike Rohn. “Exploring the Role of Corporate Governance for Digital Entrepreneurship – A Network Study of Screen-Media Ventures in the Nordic and Baltic Countries.” At *European Media Management Association (emma) Conference “Reorganization of Media Industries: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Regulation”, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Germany (June 16–17, 2022).
Schich, Maximilian. “Meaning Spaces in Cultural Data Analytics”. (invited talk) Spacious Spatiality conference, Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research SEMF, online (May 27, 2022), video:
Zemaityte, Vejune. “Data Analysis and Visualisation for Researching and Teaching Film.” At FilmEU: FILMemory Trip to Tallinn, Tallinn University, Estonia (March 9, 2022).
2021 presentations #
Schich, Maximilian. “Zum Problemraum der kulturellen Datenanalyse” (invited talk). “Möglichkeiten computergestützter Auswertung von historischen Korrespondenzen", Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, Germany (October 2, 2021).
Banerjee, Mitali, Albert-László Barabási, Viola Lukács and Schich, Maximilian in conversation. “Art Networks” (panel discussion). Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe ZKM, Germany (December 2, 2021), video:
Schich, Maximilian. “Cultural Data Analytics” (keynote). Digital Data in the Service of Cultural Heritage, Estonian Maritime Museum, Tallinn, Estonia (November, 25, 2021).
Oiva, Mila, Vejune Zemaityte, Ksenia Mukhina, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, Tasweer Ahmad, Tillmann Ohm, Mar Canet, Daniel Chavéz Heras and Maximilian Schich. “Exploring Soviet Newsreels 1927-1994 Using a Cultural Data Analytics Approach.” At Digital Data in the Service of Cultural Heritage workshop, Estonian Maritime Museum, Estonia (November 24, 2021).
Schich, Maximilian. “Art vs Science” (interview with Carlos Zapata Carratalá). Semfiloquium #1, Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research SEMF, online (November 11, 2021), video:
Schich, Maximilian. “Chaotic Mixing for Cultural Analysis” (lightning talk). SciFoo Alumni meeting, online (August 12, 2021), video:
Zemaityte, Vejune, Bronwyn Coate and Deb Verhoeven. “Temporal Dynamics of Global Film Distribution: Release Delay and Theatrical Availability.” At International Conference on Cultural Economics (ACEI), online,(July 6–9, 2021).
Schich, Maximilian. “Kunstgeschichte und Netzwerkanalyse – Warum? (invited lecture). VDHD2021 – Experimente: Die Landschaften der Digitalen Kunstgeschichte kartieren, online (June 11, 2021).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Deb Verhoeven and Bronwyn Coate. “Movies in Transit: Analysing the Diversity of Globally Distributed Film Content.” At European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) Conference “Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies”, University of Palermo, Italy (June 7–13, 2021).
Schich, Maximilian. “Research in Cultural Data Analytics” (invited group presentation). Aalto HELDIG DH pizza seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland (May 21, 2021).
Zemaityte, Vejune, Deb Verhoeven and Bronwyn Coate. “Programming Foreign Films: Analysing Cultural Diversity in the Global Exhibition Sector”. At Audiences Beyond the Multiplex: Understanding the Value of a Diverse Film Culture conference, University of Glasgow, UK (March 2–3, 2021).
Schich, Maximilian. “Academic Mixing for Cultural Data Analysis” (invited talk). Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Northwestern University, Evanston/IL (January 13, 2021).
2020 presentations #
Schich, Maximilian. “Groups and Other Topics of Confusion” (invited talk). Herodotus Project conference. Ohio State University (November 7, 2020).
Schich, Maximilian. “GLAMalytics for GLAMerous application” (invited talk). Estonian National Library (November 4, 2020).
Schich, Maximilian. “Cultural Data Analysis as a Systematic Science of Art and Culture” (invited talk). Chinese Digital Humanities conference CDH2020 (October 26, 2020).
Zemaityte, Vejune and Deb Verhoeven. “Gender Diversity in a Small National Film Production Network.” At NetSci-CUDAN2020 Satellite Symposium on Network Science & Cultural Data Analysis, Rome, Italy, (September 20, 2020).
Schich, Maximilian. “Cultural Data Analytics: Art, Design, and/or Science?” (invited talk). ArsElectronica Garden Tallinn (September 9, 2020).
2019 presentations #
Schich, Maximilian. “Cultural Interaction. Outlining a Systematic Science of Art and Culture” (venia legendi lecture). Tallinn University, Estonia (October 9, 2019).